Silent Signs of Kidney Disease

Silent Signs of Kidney Disease

2. Persistent Fatigue and Weakness

Feeling constantly tired or weak, even after resting, may indicate kidney disease.

Why It Happens

  • Kidney dysfunction leads to a buildup of toxins in the blood, making you feel exhausted.
  • Low red blood cell levels (anemia) occur when the kidneys fail to produce erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone that stimulates red blood cell production.

When to See a Doctor

  • If fatigue lasts for weeks without an obvious cause.
  • If you experience dizziness, trouble concentrating, or shortness of breath.

3. Swelling in the Feet, Ankles, or Hands

Unexplained swelling (edema) in the lower body is a common silent sign of kidney disease.

Why It Happens

  • Damaged kidneys can’t remove excess sodium and fluids, leading to fluid buildup.
  • Swelling may also indicate protein loss, which disrupts fluid balance in the body.

When to See a Doctor

  • If swelling persists despite reducing salt intake.
  • If swelling spreads to the face or around the eyes.

4. Dry and Itchy Skin

Persistent dryness, itching, or rashes can signal kidney disease.

Why It Happens

  • The kidneys help balance minerals like calcium and phosphorus.
  • When they fail, toxin buildup and mineral imbalances cause dry, itchy skin.

When to See a Doctor

  • If moisturizers and skincare treatments don’t relieve the itching.
  • If itching is worse at night or affects large areas of the body.
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