6 Early Warning Signs of Lupus

6 Early Warning Signs of Lupus

3. Skin Rashes (Butterfly Rash and Photosensitivity)

A distinctive feature of lupus is the butterfly-shaped rash (malar rash) that appears across the nose and cheeks. This rash often worsens with sun exposure and may be one of the first visible signs of lupus.

🔹 Other skin-related lupus symptoms:
✔ Increased sensitivity to sunlight, leading to rashes or flare-ups.
✔ Discoid lupus lesions – round, scaly patches that leave scars.
✔ Hair loss or thinning, especially at the hairline.

4. Persistent Low-Grade Fever

Many people with lupus experience frequent low-grade fevers (99-101°F) without any obvious infection. These fevers may come and go, lasting for days or weeks.

🔹 Why does lupus cause fevers?
✔ The immune system is in a constant state of inflammation.
✔ Fevers often occur before a flare-up.

5. Chest Pain and Shortness of Breath

Lupus can cause inflammation in the heart (pericarditis) and lungs (pleuritis), leading to chest pain and breathing difficulties.

🔹 How to recognize lupus-related chest pain:
✔ Sharp pain that worsens with deep breaths.
✔ Persistent discomfort in the chest area.
✔ Shortness of breath, even with mild activity.

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